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Тематические картинки

Джон Рочестер:

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Клод Дюваль: "King Charles II and Henry, Duke of Gloucester at the Hague" by Schelte Adams Bolswert, after Christoffel Jacobsz van der Lamen (Laemen or Laenen), published by G. Hendricx line engraving, mid 17th century

Omnia vanitas: Китайский чайный сервиз 17 века от Pieter Gerritsz van ROESTRAETEN

Клод Дюваль:

Джон Рочестер: William Powell Frith "Charles II and Lady Castlemaine", 1899

Элинор Гвин : 'The Scots holding their young King's nose to the grindstone' a cartoon from 1661

Карл II: The Fall of Edward Hyde (1609-74), 1st Earl of Clarendon, 1861, a painting by Edward Matthew Ward.

Джеймс Монмут: отсюда

Клод Дюваль: Норман Линдсей "Карл" "Карты и женщины"

Анна Гайд: King Charles II pays a visit to the architect of St Paul's сathedral, Sir Christopher Wren, circa 1675. Also pictured are diarist Samuel Pepys, Grinling Gibbons (far left) and John Evelyn Painting by J Seymour Lucas

Клод Дюваль: William Powell Frith "King Charles II Last Sunday"

Карл II: The Birth of Pennsylvania, 1680, by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris. William Penn, holding paper, standing and facing King Charles II, in the King's breakfast chamber at Whitehall.

Карл II: Henriette de France has taken refuge in France, was presented by his brother Gaston d'Orleans and Mademoiselle de Montpensier, to Queen Anne of Austria and her children to the Louvre in February 1649 by Henri Decaisne

Анна Гайд: Эрнест Крофтс (Ernest Crofts, 1847–1911) - автор ряда картин, изображающих события Гражданской войны. "Принц Руперт" "На подмогу"

Анна Гайд: The Puritan and the Maid, Edgar Bundy, 1951

Анна Гайд: Edgar Bundy "Тhe Wary Father", 1888

Эдвард Гайд: The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth, by Jennie A. Brownscombe

Карл II: Thomas Bowles - Claude Duval robbing Squire Roper, Master of the Buckhounds to King Charles II, in Windsor Forest Клод Дюваль грабит сквайра Ропера в Виндзорском лесу. Отобрав у бедняги 50 гиней, наш герой привязал его к дереву и растворился в неизвестности

Финеас Сигрейв: Колдстримский гвардейский полк в 1661 году - служил Карлу II так же преданно, как до этого - Кромвелю :) Monck's Regiment had its origin in two units of Cromwell's 'New Model Army,' which mustered in 1643 and 1645. This Regiment, and the Royal Horse Guards, remained embodied as distinct units, the former to be known henceforth as the 'Lord General's (Coldstream) Regiment of Foot Guards.' On February 14, 1661, two Officers and two Civil Commissioners drove in a coach to Tower Hill, where the Lord General's Regiment was mustered. The Commissioners read them an address from the King, at the conclusion of which they were ordered to lay down their arms as soldiers of Cromwell's New Model Army and to take them up again in the name of King Charles II. Hence this Regiment--which on the death of Monck, the Lord General [in 1670], became the Coldstream Guards--although ranking second on the list of Infantry, is the oldest regular regiment of the British Army, and has as its motto 'Nulli Secundus.' The Regiment was armed with matchlocks and pikes.

Карл II: King Charles II of England meeting his sister Duchess Henrietta of Orleans at Dover in 1670

Карл II: A rare and important London delftware- Charles II commemorative caudle cup, circa 1670.

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